varicose vein myths

Varicose Vein Myths You Need To Know

What causes unsightly and painful varicose veins and what can you do about them? Do you have all the facts? Here are seven common varicose vein myths you should know.

Varicose Vein Myths:

Crossing your legs will cause varicose veins.

Crossing your legs does not cause varicose veins. Neither does wearing tight shoes or tight pants. However, these things can irritate varicose veins if you already have them.

While increased pressure may cause blood to pool in your veins and make the vein bulge, it’s not external pressure that does it. Defective valves in your veins or weakened vein walls are more likely the cause of your bulging varicose veins.

Pregnancy can cause varicose veins.

Pregnancy does not cause varicose veins. Pregnancy can exacerbate your veins, but according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, varicose veins that become noticeable during pregnancy usually fade after delivery.

If your family members have varicose veins, you will also.

Just because your parents or grandparents have had varicose veins doesn’t necessarily mean you will. Varicose veins run in the family for only half of all people who have them.

Massage can cure varicose veins.

Massage may help reduce swelling or discomfort, but it will not cure your varicose veins. However, there are proven ways to treat them. Treatment options include sclerotherapy (injections) and laser therapy, both of which can make veins disappear.

Advanced treatment for varicose veins does not require the wearing of compression stockings.

Not true. Most insurance companies will require that you try compression stockings first, before having more advanced treatments. You also may be required to wear stockings during your recovery period.

Should women wait until after having children to treat varicose veins?

Women may benefit from having early vein treatment, even before becoming pregnant.

Are tattoos bad for varicose veins?

A tattoo needle itself should never go anywhere near deep enough to affect your veins. There is no risk to spider veins, thread veins, or varicose veins while getting a tattoo.

Can you avoid developing varicose veins in your lifetime?

The truth is, you may not be able to avoid varicose veins. But you can delay the development of them by following these important tips:

  • Exercising
  • Watching your weight
  • Eating a high-fiber, low-salt diet
  • Avoiding high heels and tight hosiery
  • Elevating your legs
  • Changing your sitting or standing position regularly

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