Varicose Veins Affect Men

Varicose Veins Affect Men, Too

Varicose Veins Affect Men – It ain’t just your grandma’s disease. In fact, contrary to popular belief, varicose veins are not limited to women. Men can get them too, says Jacksonville vein specialist Dr. James St. George.

HOW Varicose Veins Affect Men – Consider these statistics:

  • 18% of men will suffer from varicose veins;
  • If both of your parents had varicose veins, your chances of developing the condition rise to nearly 90%;
  • Just one parent with varicose veins will boost a male’s risk to 25%.

Men are notorious for avoiding or delaying medical care. Not a good idea, says Dr. St. George.

“Left untreated, varicose veins can lead to more serious conditions including ulcers and blood clots,” he says.

Hormones can be a Contributing Factor to Vein Disease

Recent studies show that men with higher levels of the sex hormone estradiol are more likely to develop varicose veins. Other typical causes are the same among men as they are for women, including obesity, lack of exercise and jobs that require standing for extended periods of time. Besides the tell-tale bulges, symptoms can include ankle swelling, skin discoloration and a “heavy leg” sensation that can cause discomfort and hinder daily activities.

Men can avoid or improve varicose veins by maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, adopting a high-fiber diet and avoiding smoking.

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